Category: Spam


Working life necessities

Some things just have to be available for any consultant to work properly. Here is my slim list of necessities for the working life as an IT consultant: (btw, they’re in reversed order…) Table Chair Power Coffee Internet Yes, that is right. Internet is a man’s best friend. Any IT consultant needs the internet now or then, and your entire

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Since a few weeks now, I’m part of a team of 4 responsible for the realisation of an ESB with a customer of Ordina. Working in a team is new to me, but all reactions are positive and I’ve been invited to join the project for the period of a year. I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to stay

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No more winter

Today, I put away the winter-headers, and restored the original headers on top of every page on this blog. The sun is shining generously over here, and with temperatures quietly reaching over 20 degrees Celsius, the wintery images are not quite suiting the weather. 😉

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One long night

I’m trying to get some sleep, as tomorrow is only a few hours away, yet I cannot. Why? I can hear you ask. I’ll tell you why. For the Dutch, and in particular the ones addicted to a show called ‘Mijn tent is top’, it should be clear by now. For those who still have a huge question sign floating

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More foreign adventures

While Lourien still is down under, a couple of my former classmates went to southern America to do some hiking, and they seem to do pretty well 🙂 Their travel-blog can be found here, yet it also can be reached by clicking the appropriate link on the right. Marita & Martijn: Enjoy! I am pretty envious of the fact you’re

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Upgrades & improvements

For whoever is blogging with WordPress, the last few days must have been filled with newsposts, updates and announcements about the all new WordPress 2.5 I too have upgraded (since about 20 minutes ago) and everything seems to run fine. If you do find some peculiar behavior anywhere on this site, please feel free to notify me, by emailing me.

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